Ireland's budget watchdog

Fiscal Assessment Report, June 2017

“Fiscal Assessment Report, June 2017” assesses the macroeconomic and budgetary forecasts that the Government set out in the 2017 “Stability Programme Update”. It also assesses compliance with legislated fiscal rules and the appropriateness of the broader fiscal stance.


  1. Assessment of the Fiscal Stance
  2. Endorsement and Assessment of the Macroeconomic Forecasts
  3. Assessment of Budgetary Forecasts
  4. Assessment of Compliance with Fiscal Rules


  1. Standard Debt Ratios and a 45 Per Cent Target
  2. Fan Charts for Components of GDP and Employment
  3. Potential Output, Overheating and the Department’s Commitment to Developing Alternatives to the Commonly Agreed Methodology (CAM)
  4. Macroeconomic Indicators for Ireland and Multinational Activities
  5. Spending Reviews
  6. Public Capital and Investment Expenditure
  7. The Council’s Stand-Still Medium Term Expenditure Scenario
  8. One-Off/Temporary Measures Relevant to 2016 Assessment
  9. Medium Term Expenditure Ceilings


  1. The Council’s Benchmark Projections (as of 22 March)
  2. Timeline for Endorsement of Stability Programme Update (SPU) 2017 Projections
  3. Imbalance Indicators
  4. Fan Charts
  5. Exchequer Tax Revenue Forecasts
  6. Additional Tables Relevant for the Fiscal Rules
  7. Summary Assessment with One-Offs not Excluded

Response of the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform

Appendix to the response of the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform to the Fiscal Assessment Report, June 2017