Ireland's budget watchdog

Path for the Public Finances 2022

Ramping up public investment and getting better value for money

7-8 February 2022

The Irish Fiscal Advisory Council’s sixth annual conference on long-term public finance issues focuses on the theme of “ramping up public investment and getting better value for money”.

The conference has two parts.

The first day looks at national experiences and specific public investment needs.

The second day takes a “big picture” look at how public investment is monitored internationally, before concluding with a panel exploring the potential macroeconomic and fiscal implications of a ramp-up in public investment.



Presentation slides

Niall Conroy – Ireland’s next ramp-up in public investment

Debora Revoltella – Public Investment in Europe 

Pieter Hasekamp – Well founded. Learning from public investment funds in the Netherlands

Donal Palcic – Cost escalation in Ireland’s public investment spending

Carolina Rentería – Assessing Public Investment Management in Ireland and Europe

Cristiana Belu Manescu – Public investment practices in the EU


Niall Conroy – Ireland’s next ramp-up in public investment

Debora Revoltella – Public Investment in Europe

Pieter Hasekamp – Well founded. Learning from public investment funds in the Netherlands

Donal Palcic – Cost escalation in Ireland’s public investment spending